Make a plan and then life happens. This week has been a week of change on lots of fronts.
On Monday I, probably like you, watched the election of Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House of Representatives. It was fascinating, as they say, “watching the sausage being made.” The next few months will be quite interesting as the new administration takes charge.
I was anticipating traveling to Washington, DC, Tuesday morning to engage directly with members of the 119th Congress. The weather and American Airlines had other plans and canceled my flight. After spending two days in Washington, my plan was to fly to Dallas to sing for a Dallas Mavericks game where wounded soldiers would be honored. Once again because of the weather, the event was postponed as Dallas was going to experience some challenging weather.
So this week has been spent at home, or should I say our new home as we have made a move from Granada Hills, California, to Ventura, California. While this move will put me a bit farther away from Los Angeles International Airport, it will position us closer to our kids, their spouses, and seven grandchildren.
The newest, Savanna, was born on Monday to Vanessa and Matthew. I figure it’s worth the tradeoff to be closer to all of the kids.
I was disappointed at not being able to be on Capitol Hill this week and then I received an email from a former member of the House. The subject of his email simply said, “Keepsake,” and had a picture of a note I had handed him several years ago. He has kept it all this time. It caused me to reflect on just what is the shelf-life of a prayer or word of encouragement?
Since leaving Congress, this gentleman has been under intense attack. I believe it is due to his solid pro-life stance. He has been and continues to be a strong voice for the unborn. I think he was targeted specifically because of his unwavering stand for life.
That email, along with some other exchanges with members of Congress, confirmed that even when I’m not on the Hill, my voice continues to have an impact.
I am using these unexpected days at home to set up my office in a new space. You can imagine the boxes of music, electronic gear, and other items that need to find their place. That is in addition to unloading boxes of our personal belongings and discovering the right place for each piece of furniture.
In the midst of this move, the tragic fires in Los Angeles ignited. On Monday afternoon as I was transporting my last load of items from Granada Hills to Ventura, I could see the smoke from Pacific Palisades in the distance. I had no idea what the next few hours and days would bring. When I arrived in Ventura, the winds were howling but were merely a whimper compared to what Pacific Palisades, then Altadena, and then other communities would face.
Kristine and I have heard of numerous friends who have lost their homes and some who are still under threat. The Los Angeles area will be forever changed. Pray for those who have lost all of their earthly possessions and pray that their treasure is in heaven. This will be a perfect opportunity for millions to decide to curse God or follow Him. Pray for the decisions that will be made in the aftermath of the devastation.
Years ago, I recorded a song from Steve Fry titled “Oh Rend the Skies,” which is a passionate plea for God’s fire to fall.This powerful song is based on Isaiah 64: 1-2.
Oh, that You would rend the heavens!
That You would come down!
That the mountains might shake at Your presence—
As fire burns brushwood,
As fire causes water to boil—
To make Your name known to Your adversaries,
That the nations may tremble at Your presence!
Click here or on the image below to view my recording of “Oh Rend the Skies.”
After debating whether to attend the inauguration of President-Elect Trump, Kristine and I have decided to travel to Washington, DC. We believe that it will be historic. Hotel prices are exorbitant so we will be staying with some friends in Virginia.
While there, I will have the opportunity to deliver my notes of encouragement and meet many of the new members of Congress. And of course, I will see many members who have become dear friends.
What lies ahead?
I believe the coming weeks and months are going to be challenging. The promised changes of the new administration don’t sit well with folks who have been in the government for many years. Many government employees are holding on for a year or two or more to guarantee their retirement. Power is a seductive force at any level. After being on the Hill for ten years, I’ve seen this first hand.
My colleague, Dan Cummins, and I have decided to begin our Wednesday evening worship services in February. We will be encouraging members of Congress to invite pastors from their districts to preach in our services.
How To Pray
- Pray for those who have been impacted by the fires in Southern California.
- Pray for our nation during this time of transition.
- Pray that the fire of God’s Spirit would fall on our nation.
God bless.