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Founded in 2014, The Word on the Hill provides hope, encouragement and the Good News of Jesus to those who work on Capitol Hill.

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The Opportunity:

Working on Capitol Hill can be challenging with a ton of pressure to perform without much encouragement.

The Solution:

Prayers, a worship service, and words of encouragement to strengthen America’s current and future leaders.

Reviving the Spirit of America Through God’s Word

The Word on the Hill is founded with the goal of spreading God’s Word — and proclaiming God’s voice — in the Halls of Congress. The Word on the Hill is a ministry of presence on Capitol Hill where we provide worship services, special events, hand-written notes of encouragement, and much more.

The seeds of The Word on the Hill were sewn nearly a decade ago. Since 2014, Steve Amerson has been providing leadership at the first weekly worship service in the United States Capitol in 144 years. These services are for members of Congress, their staff, and visitors.

What started as a one-time visit to provide hope and encouragement to our nation’s leaders has since blossomed into twice monthly visits to the Hill — and a grassroots initiative that provides weekly worship services, a staff Bible study, encouragement to members of Congress and staff, and special events to build the Christian community in the halls of Congress.

America is Due for a Spiritual Revival

55% of American adults feel extremely worried about where the country is headed in the next year, while only 18% feel extremely hopeful.

Source: APM Research Lab (2022)


The number of Americans who feel extremely worried about our nation

Discover For Yourself

What The Word On The Hill Is All About

Ambassadors of Encouragement and Hope

Respected and trusted by Capitol Hill leaders across the political spectrum, The Word on the Hill is a physical reminder of Jesus in the Halls of Congress. Steve writes and delivers hand-written notes of encouragement and hope to over 200 congressional offices — each including a word of scripture, an inspirational quote, and words of encouragement to leaders on Capitol Hill. In short, we deliver God’s Word to our nation’sleaders.


Sharing God’s Word on Capitol Hill

With weekly Christian worship experiences, staff Bible studies, and spiritual leaders that provide guidance to our nation’s law makers and their staff. We’re deeply committed to promoting God’s word and raising up God’s Voice and being a ministry of presence throughout the Halls of Congress.


Transforming the Way Capitol Hill Does Business

Through handwritten notes of encouragement, and personal encounters we seek to share God’s voice and God’s Word on the Hill. Our goal is to bring Jesus into the halls of Congress so that truth, righteousness, and goodness are at the center of decisions being made that impact our nation and the world.


Uniting the Christian Community Across the Aisle

We believe that God’s word we can be bring people together. Our goal is to build and expand the Christian community on Capitol Hill.

Praying for a Revival in America

By building strong relationships and ties with community leaders, government officials, and ordinary people just like you, we believe we can heal the broken heart of America and once again affirm, “In God We Trust.”

Volunteer to pray

1 Timothy 2:1-2 – “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” The Bible emphasizes the importance of praying for our leaders, including government officials and those in authority. Praying for leaders is a way to seek God’s guidance and wisdom for them, as well as to promote peace and stability in society.Scripture also encourages believers to pray for leaders regardless of their personal opinions or political affiliations, showing respect and honoring the positions of authority they hold.In the space below, please post your positive prayer for our nation and those in positions of authority.

About Steve Amerson

Steve Amerson is a world-class vocalist who has performed with symphonies throughout the United States and abroad including performances at the Hollywood Bowl and Carnegie Hall. He has published over 250 musical compositions and has recorded 20 solo CDs of sacred, Broadway, patriotic, and Christmas selections including his latest album release, Great American Songs.

His voice can be heard on over 175 feature films and countless television shows, commercials, and video game soundtracks. Steve is known as America’s Tenor.

Because of Steve’s vocal and musical prowess, he was chosen to record rehearsal tracks used by Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, and Jose Carreras in preparation for The 3 Tenors performances around the world.

Since 2006, Steve has performed for the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation and Society events throughout the United States. and in 2009, he was presented the “Bob Hope Award for Excellence in Entertainment” by the Medal of Honor Society. He performs for countless events in support of those in the armed forces, their families, and their supporters.

Steve has since ministered alongside well-known pastors and authors including Billy Graham, Charles Swindoll, Jack Hayford, Bruce Wilkinson, and David Jeremiah.

Since July 2014, Steve has led Capitol Worship, the first weekly worship service to be held in the United States Capitol since 1869. At these twice-monthly services, Steve travels to Washington, D.C. to provide leadership to, meet, and encourage members of Congress.

Steve’s father, W.A. Amerson was a pastor and modeled how to care for and minister to people. Steve has inherited those qualities, and they serve him well whether on a concert stage or walking the halls of the United States Congress. Steve is convinced that everyone we meet has a battle that no one knows about, and Steve is called to pray and offer words of encouragement to those he encounters.

Steve and his wife, Kristine reside in Granada Hills, California. They have two married, adult children, Katherine Pennington and Matthew Amerson, and six grandchildren. You can listen to, browse, and enjoy Steve’s extensive collection of music and performance materials at his online store.

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